First of all, welcome to Grafe Auction! Creating an account and registering for one of our events is a very quick and simple process so let’s get started.

  1. To create an account, simply visit the account registration page, or click the person icon in the top right corner of the page. If you are on your mobile device, the person icon is at the bottom of the page.
  2. Once you've created your profile, you'll need to verify your account.
    1. Please VISIT YOUR PROFILE and complete the verification processes to verify your email, address, and phone number. 
      1. When you created your account, you were sent an email with a link to click to verify your email address. If you've not previously confirmed your email address, you can request a new confirmation email through your profile (located in the upper right corner of your profile). 
      2. To verify your phone number, visit your profile, and click the verify phone number button (located in the upper right corner of your profile). You will be asked to provide the 6-digit code via a phone call from our automated service or a text message. 
      3. To verify your billing address, visit your profile, and click the verify address button (located in the upper right corner of your profile). You will be asked to provide a credit card which we validate with the billing address of your profile. Your card will not be stored or charged during this verification. 
    2. Once you have verified all three components, you'll be free to bid on our events.

Now that you have completed everything above you are all set to participate in our online events! You can check out our upcoming events here. Thank you for joining us and we look forward to your participation!

Having problems creating an account, check out the resources page for additional information that may help you including the Why Can’t I Bid? page. If you're not finding what you're looking for, please contact us. We're happy to help.